Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Old song. New video.
Enjoy the video.  Remember your own monsters.

where's my tambourine...

Ok, I have to admit I'm a bit obsessed.  Kimbra reminds me a bit of Esthero with an Amy Winehouse touch. I love female singers with caramel voices and a doo-wop swag.

Seriously, if this doesn't make you tap your toes and get that love at first sight feeling in your stomach, like you're at the top of a roller coaster...then just go somewhere.

the end.

Settle Down

A Little something to snap to...

Kimbra- Settle Down

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Postcards from Summer...

I'm very excited to hear that Beirut is releasing their 3rd album this year.  The long awaited LP 
The Rip Tide, will be released on August 30. I first fell in love with Zach Codon's work with the
exquisite "Postcards from Italy" from Gulag Orkestar.  This song and I had a love affair.  I can 
still remember those summer nights in Ybor, driving home after a long night of dancing, cheap 
drinks and cigarettes.  With my windows rolled down, I would (try to) sing along with precision 
on those signature Codon inflections. Beirut's ability to create an atmosphere of "days gone by," 
mixed with the underlying feelings of joy and sadness, is part of the magic.

So, in honor of those summer nights gone by... a video from the Beirut archives.  

The newly released single from Beiruts upcoming - The Rip Tide.
Beirut-East Harlem

Monday, June 6, 2011

mid-day groove

Toronto based Austra's debut album Feel it Break came out on May 17th...get into it..fill your ears with some sexy beats.